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Websites for Various Artists

Various Artists – Websites & Online Press Kits

Over the years, I’ve worked closely with North American and European music labels and musicians to develop customized one-pager websites and digital press kits for artists.

Artists & Labels

I’ve developed digital products for Arcade Fire, Children, Coeur de pirate, Dare To Care Records, Das Paradies, Émile Bilodeau, Erik Penny, Fanny Bloom, Grosse Boîte, Grönland, Jean Leloup, Jeronÿmus, Kroy, Les soeurs Boulay, Long Tall Jefferson, Malajube, Me And Oceans, Milian Otto, Sony Classical Germany, Talking to Turtles and Tricot Machine.


An exciting challenge is to continually keep up with the new tools available and integrate them as best as possible. The music industry landscape has changed dramatically over the last decade, and artists are eager to keep pace with the ever-changing trends.

Under the hood

The one-pager websites are developed with an in-house built-from-ground-up WordPress theme fully customized for each project. The online press kits are password protected and made available for the media only.

Feel free to contact me today so we can set up a call and see how I can best assist you.